Thursday, February 4, 2010

Natural Supplements for Eczema

Each of our bodies respond differently to supplements. Many eczema sufferers have to find and examine several before they find one (or a good combination) that works well for them.

Evening primrose oil (in capsules, soft gels, or liquid) contains essential fatty acids that can help revitalize the skin and relieve itching and inflammation. Studies have shown that recommended daily doses of evening primrose oil can reduce the need for creams. There are several alternatives to evening primrose oil that are less expensive like black currant and borage seed oils.

Flaxseed oil contains equal amounts of both omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids, which can be helpful in the treatment of any chronic allergic condition, including eczema.

Fish oils were found to relieve chronic eczema in a double-blind study. They appear to work by reducing levels of leukotriene B-4, a substance in the body involved with the inflammation of eczema. Eating cold-water fish regularly is the best source for fish oils, but if you're not a fish fan, you can always take fish oil capsules.

Grape seed extract is rich in flavonoids (antioxidant substances that inhibit the body's allergic responses). Grape seed extract can help relieve and prevent the itchy skin flare-ups of eczema.

Read real life experiences how Vitamin E can cure Eczema-->> Vitamin E for Eczema

Image: Suat Eman /


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