Thursday, November 26, 2009

Real Life Experiences of Healing Asthma

Real Life Experience

“My wife suffers year-round allergy symptoms and the last year and a half had begun to develop a bronchial wheezing and congestion that limited her considerably in everyday affairs.
“We decided to experiment with vitamin B6, and began a regimen of 150 milligrams taken 3 times daily. The improvement was dramatic! At the end of one week there was a marked change in ease of respiration. In two weeks, the wheezing are negligible and by the end of the third week it had disappeared.

“We have maintained a heavy B6 dosage for several months now and my
wife has been able to garden, do heavy bout of housework and even run several blocks for a bus with no return of the wheeze. - S.E.T., New Jersey

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“While in Florida on vacation, we ended up downwind of some brush fires.
My three-year-old daughter started wheezing terribly with asthma, and the pediatrician prescribed an anti asthmatic drug. The drug completely changed her personality, making her fearful, hyper and very hard to get along with- not to mention the occasional vomiting which the doctor said was a small price to pay for relief.
“Upon returning from our trip, I had a long talk with our pediatrician. He tried to put her on another drug. Even though she was not wheezing at the time, he wanted her to take medicine every six hours 'just to see if she will react to it'.
“At that point I started investigating and heard that vitamin C had been effective in helping some asthmatics. I started her on daily doses of about 900 milligrams of vitamin C. When she does get an attack, I give her as much as 1,200 milligrams and the attack gradually disappears. I have since thrown out all the anti asthmatic drugs, and I am never without vitamin C!”. - M.J.W., Georgia

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Real Life Experience

“ I started preparing for pregnancy three years before this happy event took place, building my own body to be a storehouse of resources for the child I planned to conceive.
“In due course, the lovely baby was born, nursed, weaned onto as nearly a natural diet as urban life affords. Yet at the age of four and a half, he suddenly was struck with a serious attack of asthma, for no apparent reason, and it lasted for a week.
“For two years after this, chronic attacks of asthma followed. We never knew when they would strike or how long they would last. Constant pediatric attention provided only temporary symptomatic relief with medication and vaporizers, and even with these, cyanosis [Bluish discoloration due to insufficient blood oxygenation] often appeared and I believe that on several occasions it was only prayer that saved his life.
“We saw allergists, psychologists, specialists of every kind. We were advised to get rid of the dog, to have no wool around the house, to avoid feather pillows. All along I was observing the best of nutritional principles but the pattern of acute, chronic asthma remained unchanged. Two Christmases in a row the child had pneumonia, and the second time I was nearly ready to collapse.
“At this time I went deep into prayer. And something from my reading came into mind, that vitamin E increases the body;s ability to utilize oxygen. Perhaps my son, although well supplied by ordinary standards, had an individual need for more. I figured there could be no harm in giving him 100 I.U. Daily of alpha tocopherol, and I started him while he was convalescing from pneumonia (then age 6 ½)
“As of that day, 11 years ago, the attacks came to an end. We have had no more asthma, and no more pneumonia, even though we live in one of the most smog congested areas in the country. Even though I have little control over the diet that a 171/2 year old boy consumes when he is at school or way from home, he has rarely missed his supplements, which include (now) 200 units of vitamin E daily.

“I'm not saying vitamin E cures asthma! I'm saying that my son who was in a fair way to become crippled with this disease over a period of two years, has had no further lung developments since the regular employment of alpha tocopherol in his daily diet.” ---M.S.C., California.

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